Classic Max8mm
From Super8wiki
Classic Max8mm (alias "Classic Max" and "Classic Pro Max 8")
- Years: 2007 - (still in production)
- Lens: C mount
- Internal exposure indicator needle
- Automatic circuitry drive for power zoom/exposure lenses
- Filming speeds from 2 to 70 fps
- Internal Exposure ASA 10 to 400
- Electronic remote control
- Mechanical frame counter
- Mirrored guillotine shutter with fade out shutter control
- Reflex viewfinder with retractable ground glass focusing; 20 times image magnification.
- Adjustable diopter for human vision correction
- 7.2/3.6 volt input socket through 3-pin din connector
- Tripod mount 1/4"
- Dimensions: 4.5" H x 2.75" W x 6" L
- Weight: 1.5 lbs
- Finish: Hammered Silver powder coat
- Optional Crystal Sync Module: 24 fps or 25 fps sync speed control
- Differs from the Classic Pro8mm by having a "MAX 8 Frame: 1.58 aspect ratio. Expanded film frame." and a "MAX 8 Viewfinder: 16 x 9 framing lines".
This camera is a remanufactured and modified Beaulieu 4008 ZM 2.
Prices for a new camera:
- Pro8mm, USA, March 2008: US$3495.00 (“CLASSIC PRO MAX 8” CAMERA PACKAGE: Pro8mm Classic Pro camera, 8-64mm manual zoom lens, “Max 8” widescreen gate modification
with 16:9 viewfinder, 24 or 25 FPS Crystal Sync module (internally housed), power pouch c-cell battery pack with charger and custom pelican case, 90 days warranty)
- Wittner, Germany, March 2008: 2756.20 EUR (“CLASSIC PRO MAX 8” CAMERA PACKAGE without sync-module, 12 months warranty), 3208.40 EUR (“CLASSIC PRO MAX 8 SYNC” CAMERA PACKAGE including internal sync-module, 12 months warranty)
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